Therapy Pets for Dementia Patients

Therapy Pets for Dementia Patients

My mom has advanced vascular dementia.  It has been the most challenging year of my life AND the most amazing year of my life.  Every day I get to make sure that Mom has the highest quality of life possible - that she feels she has a purpose, that she matters, and especially that she gets to enjoy the love and connection of an animal.  My cats are not lap cats so unfortunately they are MIA and can't give Mom what she needs. However, I found the next best thing (almost real but not quite) - a Joy for All Companion Therapy Pet.  Mom plays with her therapy pet all day and sleeps with him too.  I highly recommend this furry companion if the real thing is not available.  There is no substitute for the joy this little guys brings to Mom.  No litter box needed!

Therapy Pets heal and love Dementia Patients


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