New Year's Resolutions for your furry soulmates?

New Year's Resolutions for your furry soulmates?

New Year's Resolutions for your furry soulmates?

Some of my friends make New Year's Resolutions for their furry soulmates.  No this is not what their furry soulmates will do, but what they as furry soulmate parents will do. Here are the top five:

1). Take a course in first aid so you know how to treat basic wounds

2). Measure your furry soulmates's food so they maintain a healthy weight

3). Make sure your furry soulmate gets plenty of exercise every day

4). Schedule your furry soulmate(s) annual checkup with the vet

5). Make a donation to an animal rescue organization

What are your New Year's resolutions for 2023 for your furry soulmates?  I would love to know.  Happy New Year to all my human friends and furry soulmates!

happy animals pets pet parents furry soulmates New Year's resolutions

dogs happy pets pet parents furry soulmates New Year

happy cats furry soulmates New Year resolutions



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