My cat Graceson died on September 10th, 2014. He left his body while I was on a plane flying over the Pacific Ocean. It is so painful for me to even write about it now, many years later. It feels like yesterday. I came home and held him wrapped in his favorite red blanket, screaming and sobbing with tremendous guilt. Why wasn't I there? If only....if only...if only. An animal communicator told me that animals leave on their own terms and that Grace thought it was best to go quietly and not to burden me. Ugh, I still feel that deep regret and inconsolable sadness and grief. I love you Grace, always and forever my furry soulmate.
Do you have a similar experience? Whether you do or not, I would love to hear from you. It always makes me feel better knowing that there are other people out there who love their furry soulmates.....