I grew up with dogs - dobermans to be exact. I was never that fascinated with cats. I thought they had an attitude and were too independent for my liking. Every thing changed though when I met "Security Blanket".
She was full of fleas and slept in my parking spot. How dare she! I was working for a real estate company at the time - Security Pacific (why I named her Security Blanket). One night I was getting ready to leave and this mangy skinny tabby kept meowing at me and followed me to my car. What!? Leave me alone little kitty. She looked me straight in the eye. I had this overwhelming feeling that I was supposed to take her with me. I stared back at her and said, "If you have the nerve to jump into my car when I open it, I will take you home even though cats aren't allowed in the condo." She had the nerve alright and jumped right into the passenger seat! Security Blanket became my best friend, confidante and first ever furry soulmate. She chose me and blessed my life for the next 15 years. I love you Blanket, RIP April 26, 2009.