CBD good for your dog??

CBD good for your dog??

CBD good for your dog??

Thirteen year old Maxie, is an adorable Cocker Spaniel who used to love to chase after squirrels.  However in her old age, she has severe arthritis and can barely walk.  Maxie is depressed and hasn't been eating either.

Her pet parent, Cindy, decided to try giving Maxie CBD supplements.  Cindy reported that Maxie is a new dog! Maxie is eating again and excitedly gets out of her doggie bed every morning to go for a walk.  I think this is amazing and I recently visited Maxie with some delicious treats.

What about your furry soulmates?  Have you tried CBD supplements?  Do you think your pets should even ingest anything with CBD in it?  I would love to hear from you and welcome all opinions.

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